Catechumen Phase
of the Mystery School
Tarot Deck of your choice,
to search over 100 entries, click on the purple cube. The
tarot deck was used as a secret coded "catechism" or teaching device
by the underground Grail Heresy "Church" during the Middle Ages
when the Roman Catholic Church would kill any alternative believers.
The tarot is full of heretical Grail symbolism which can best
be seen in the oldest decks. We recommend the Rider Waite
also called the Waite deck because it is the oldest complete deck
available. It comes in original, giant and miniature versions, all with the same symbols.
For the best esoteric symbolism restored to Waite's original intentions,
get the Albano Waite deck. I use it the most.
For divination purposes you may get any deck whose art appeals to
you, as long as it has the traditional 78 cards. Rider Waite
can be used for divination, too, of course, but sometimes people
with an artistic bent feel drawn to one of the more modern decks
done by professional artists. I like the Art Nouveau deck
and Arthurian Tarot deck for instance. If you have any questions,
or need help deciding, just ask. If you're really paranoid
about learning the meanings of the cards, get the Starter Tarot--it
has the meanings printed right on the cards. They are a bit old
fashioned, but you can usually figure them out.
Basic Magick, A Practical Guide
by Phillip Cooper. This is an excellent book for beginners
and advanced initiates, especially good for skeptics and intellectuals!
But please note it is not required, whereas certain books
after the Catechumen Phase are required (see red cubes)
Tarot in Ten Minutes. by
R. T. Kaser, But please note it is not required, whereas
certain books after the Catechumen Phase are required (see red cubes)
Other Supplies for
Catechumen Phase:
White robe or vest for water baptism.
Special oil of your favorite aroma for anointing and chrism.(You
may wish to order the Catechumen Entry Kit, if you didn't already
receive it when you joined the Mystery School.)
Credant Phase
(after Catechumen Lessons and the Water Baptism
Rite of Kristian Initiation). Please note these are suggested reading,
NOT required.
The three books following were recommended by Shadwynn, author
of the famous esoteric Christian classic, The Crafted Cup: Ritual Mysteries of the Goddess
& the Grail.
Understanding the Bible: An Introduction for Skeptics,
Seekers, and Religious Liberals A thoughtful, warm, and
witty introduction Understanding the Bible is designed to help empower
skeptics, seekers, nonbelievers, and those of a liberal and progressive
outlook to reclaim the Bible from literalists. In making accessible
some of the best contemporary historical, literary, political, and
feminist readings of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, it encourages
all who would find in the biblical heritage an ally and not an enemy
in the quest for a more just and humane world.
The Gospel
of Gabriel: A Life of Jesus the Christ by Edward Hays
Prayers for
a Planetary Pilgrim: a Personal Manual for Prayer and Ritual
by Edward Hays
Diakon / Diakonissa
Phase (includes Archdiakon/issa level)
Inner Christianity:
A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition by Richard Smoley
A Beginner's
Guide to Constructing the Universe: The Mathematical Archetypes
of Nature, Art & Science, and a Voyage from 1 to 10 by Michael
S. Schneider
 Experience of the Inner Worlds: A Course in Christian Qabalistic
Magic by Gareth Knight.Needed for both the Archdiakon/issa course
and also Presvyter/a degree.
/ Presvytera (Priest / Priestess) Phase
An Interfaith Minister's Manual by Angela Plum
This book is available through but it takes about
4 weeks to ship. We stock them here at the Esoteric Theological
Seminary. Use our Catalog
to order one and have it on its way to you within 24 hours.
Our price is $31 which includes shipping.
Hidden Wisdom:
A Guide to the Western Inner Traditions by Richard Smoley and
Jay Kinney (one of Dr. Katia's favorite books)
The Inner
West: An Introduction to the Hidden Wisdom of the West by
Jay Kinney, editor of the former magazine, Gnosis
 Jesus Christ,
Sun of God: Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism, by
David Fideler (Starbird used this in her research)
Putting on the Mind of Christ: Inner
Work of Christian Spirituality, by Jim Marion (you will
especially enjoy this book if you are a practicing Christian mystic,
and feel drawn St. John of the Cross and/or have read Ken Wilber)
For more books required and suggested for the Presvyter Phase,
click here.
Order of the New
Knights Templar
& Daughters
of Tsion, the Ladies Templar.
The Warriors and The Bankers by Alan Butler & Stephen
A history of the Knights Templar from 1307 to the present.
The Knights Templar
Revealed, formerly titled, The Templar Continuum by Alan
Butler & Stephen Dafoe Where did the Knights Templar come
from. Were they a reflection of early twelfth century Christian
thinking or from a much more ancient tradition of goddess and god,
esoterica and mystery teachings?
Blood, Holy Grail. by Michael Baigent, et al A
must read. Not because we believe in all the authors' conclusions,
we don't. But because this book is vital to understanding
the current Mary Magdalene-married-to-Jesus Christ movement. This
book was used as a source for the novel DaVinci Code. It covers
the Knights Templar, Gnostics, Heretics, Jesus' wife
and kids, intrigue and mysterious manuscripts--it's all there. Well
researched, but some of the theories require you to decide for yourself.
The Monks of War, the Military Religious Orders, by Desmond
Stormtroopers of the Middle Ages in the savage conflict with Islam,
yet some of these orders still exist today. (As we well know). General
history of these Orders, Templars, Teutonic Knights, Hospitallers.
The Templars: The Dramatic History of
the Knights Templar, the Most Powerful Military Order of the Crusades,
by Piers Paul Read
The New Knighthood : A History
of the Order of the Temple, by Malcom Barber
Tarot of the Templars
aka Le Tarot des Templiers
Tarot deck, by "Mary Magdalene", painted by Allen Chester. Before
buying see
for pictures of some of the cards.
Art and Science of Fencing by Nick Evangelista
Fencing and the Master by Laszlo
Foil, Saber, and Epee Fencing : Skills,
Safety, Operations, and Responsibilities by Maxwell R. Garret,
Emmanuil G. Kaidanov, Gil A. Pezza
Messianic Legacy by Michael Baigent, et al
Sequel to Holy Blood, Holy Grail. Very thorough, hard to put
down, and more focused than HBHG.
Suggested Fictional Reading for Templars, both
Knights & Daughters of Tsion
The Temple and the Crown by
Katherine Kurtz and Deborah Turner Harris Great adventure...brilliantly
evoked...a dazzling battle of good vs. evil.
The Temple and the Stone by
Katherine Kurtz and Deborah Turner Harris New novel of the Knights
Templar: the medievel warrior priests who, according to legend,
wielded vast occult powers to guide the course of history.
Tales of the Knights Templar edited
by Katherine Kurtz The author of the classic bestselling Deryni
series has gathered nine original stories by the top talent of the
fantastic to explore the most mystic and mysterious army ever.
Suggested Music for Templars, Daughters of Tsion,
Angelic Alliance and all other Spiritual Warriors
Moment of Glory, the Scorpions
and the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. Cosmic, Monumental
and Hauntingly Spiritual. You will "hear" the mighty angelic
hosts clashing swords with the demon armies, hear the prayer-song
of angels and men together in one of the songs titled, "Send me
an Angel." Close your eyes while listening and visions will come.
Happens to me everytime.
Order of Mary
Woman with the Alabaster Jar; Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail.
by Margaret Starbird. Required for the
1st Degree
The Goddess in the Gospels: Reclaiming
the Sacred Feminine. by Margaret Starbird. Required
for the 2nd Degree
Holy Blood, Holy Grail. by
Michael Baigent, et al Required
for the 1st Degree or Postulant level. A
must read. Not because we believe in all the authors' conclusions,
we don't. But because this book is vital to understanding
the current Mary Magdalene-married-to-Jesus Christ movement. This
book was used as a source for the novel DaVinci Code. It covers
the Knights Templar, Gnostics, Heretics, Jesus' wife
and kids, intrigue and mysterious manuscripts--it's all there. Well
researched, but some of the theories require you to decide for yourself.
for the 2nd Degree Magdalene's Lost Legacy:
Symbolic Numbers and the Sacred Union in Christianity by Margaret
Starbird. Author Margaret Starbird decodes the symbolic
numbers embedded in the original Greek phrases of the New Testament-revealing
the powerful presence of the feminine divine. The New Testament
contains wide use of gematria, a literary device that allows the
sums of certain phrases to produce sacred numbers. Exploring the
hidden meanings behind these numbers, Starbird reveals that the
union between Jesus and his bride, Mary Magdalene, formed a sacred
partnership that was the cornerstone of the earliest Christian community.
for the 2nd Degree The Gospel of Mary Magdalene
(written in 150 A.D.) translated and with commentary by Jean-Yves
Leloup. If you want to know the earliest teachings of
Yeshua and MM, and happen also to be intrigued with the similarities
between transpersonal psychology, Hinduism / Vedanta, Tibetan Buddhism
and the earliest form of Christianity, you simply must read this
for the 3rd Degree The Gospel Of Philip: Jesus, Mary
Magdalene, And The Gnosis Of Sacred Union by Jean-Yves Leloup
Required for the
3rd Degree The Mary Magdalene Within by Joan Norton
New! 14 Steps to Awaken the Sacred Feminine: Women in the Circle of Mary Magdalene by Joan Norton and Margaret Starbird
Women’s circles have been called a “revolutionary-evolutionary movement hidden in plain sight” by Jean Shinoda Bolen and have been hailed as capable of affecting global change. Magdalene Circles are groups of women who focus their shared energies on the wisdom of Mary Magdalene to gain insight into the role of the sacred feminine in their own lives and to help them advance on their spiritual paths.
This book offers 14 lessons to help understand the wisdom offered by Mary Magdalene’s story and mythos. Among the lessons are prophecies of the bride, why we need the bride, Magdalene’s archetypal pattern of descent, and how modern women carry the Grail. Well-suited for the individual reader as well as a group, each lesson includes an introduction, guided meditation, questions for journaling, and an essay by Margaret Starbird as well as suggestions for group sharing. Placing Mary Magdalene within the pattern of “cyclic renewal” of earth-based religions, this book offers the chance to incorporate the sacred feminine wisdom of Mary Magdalene into everyday life for Christians and spiritual feminists alike.
The Feminine Face of Christianity
by Margaret Starbird. Starbird notes the early
pattern of gender equality in the early Christian community, noting
the "sister-wives" who accompanied male disciples on their missionary
journeys, forging a new understanding of the "sacred marriage" at
the heart of the Christian Gospels. She points out that fundamental
Christian values such as compassion, reconciliation, and the healing
of crippled bodies and broken hearts are all strongly feminine in
The Sacred Embrace of Jesus and Mary
: The Sexual Mystery at the Heart of the Christian Tradition
by Jean-Yves Leloup Practiced and thorough with his extrapolation
of the sacred texts, Leloup (founder of the Institute of Other Civilization
Studies and the International College of Therapists and author of
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, The Gospel of Philip and The Gospel
of Thomas) addresses the current debate about the relationship between
Jesus and Mary Magdalene. This thoughtful and detailed discussion
has a more academic tone than some of his other books and may seem
daunting, but fans of Leloup and true seekers of the meaning of
love, the holiness of sexuality and the deeper aspects of the relationship
between Jesus and Mary won't be disappointed.
The Red Tent, by Anita Diamant. You
will NOT be able to put this book down! Gripping, riveting tale
of ancient biblical goddess worship and womens' spirituality following
the life Dina, daughter of Jacob-Israel, thus the head of the 13th
Tribe of Israel. 22 pages of this book are online (at Amazon) for
viewing if you click on the purple cube.
Sarah the Priestess: The First
Matriarch of Genesis, by Savina J. Teubal. Amber Satterwhite,
also known as Oiled Lamp, one of our Mystery School Initiates comments:
Probably the most illuminating book ever published on the story
of Sarah, Abraham, and the genesis of the Jewish nation. Read it,
or continue to misread Genesis.
Mary Magdalene, Bride in Exile by
Margaret Starbird Starbird, a writer experienced
in biblical history, is among the latest to focus on the woman called
"the apostle to the apostles." Starbird, who primarily looks at
the way Mary's story merges into myth, paints with a bit of New
Age patina, yet her book is more focused and organized. Starbird
thinks that the Magdalene and Mary of Bethany were one; other writers
think Mary was poor; Starbird styles her as rich.
Ancient Sisterhood: The Lost Traditions
of Hagar and Sarah, by Savina J. Teubal
Invoking Mary
Magdalene: Accessing the Wisdom of the Divine Feminine book
and CD by Siobhan Houston In Invoking Mary
Magdalene, Siobhán Houston shares the compelling story of
Jesus preeminent female disciple to help us rediscover the
long-eclipsed feminine heart of Christianity.
Isis Magic: Cultivating a Relationship
with the Goddess of 10,000 Names by M. Isidora Forrest
Isis Magic is complete, well researched, and deeply
experiential. It is the perfect resource for the individual
seeker, to inspire your circle or coven, or as a program of personal
development for those called by Isis to be Her Priestesses and Priests.
Living Gnosis: A Practical Guide to Gnostic
Christianity by Tau Malachi Gnostic revival is growing in the
United States and Europe as people are discovering the mystical
roots of their own Western Tradition. This easy-to-read, deeply
spiritual introduction to Gnostic Christianity helps beginners down
the Gnostic path to esoteric insights and wisdom.
Order of the Northern
Shamanism, Celtic, Teutonic and Earth-based Mysteries
Northern Magic, Rune Mysteries
and Shamanism by Edred Thorsson (Required for Norse & Anglo-Saxon,
Teutonic, Germanic studies)
Northern Mysteries & Magick: Runes,
Gods, and Feminine Powers by Freya Aswynn
By Oak, Ash & Thorn : Modern
Celtic Shamanism, by D.J. Conway, Required for Druidry Course
Advanced Celtic Shamanism,
by D.J. Conway, Required for second part of Druidry Course
Druid Magic: The Practice of Celtic
Wisdom, by Maya Magee Sutton, Nicholas R. Mann, Philip Carr-Gomm
Principles of Druidry, by Emma
Restall Orr
Gods and Myths of Northern Europe
by H.R. Ellis Davidson
American Folk Magick: Charms,
Spells & Herbals by Silver Ravenwolf
Mountain Magick, Folk Wisdom from
the Heart of Appalachia by Edain McCoy
Karri at says... The historian
and writer Ann Moura published a book on this very issue [Hindu &
Celtic culture are one], called, The Origins of Modern Witchcraft. It
delves into the complex history and influences of early civilizations...tracing
beliefs through time...revealing the real roots of our beliefs
and how politics and migration, commerce and
conquests led to the variations on the vedic theme that so
many systems share today.
Order of Melchizedek,
and the Merkabah Riders
The Power of the Word: The Secret
Code of Creation, by Donald Tyson. This book has been
renamed and republished! It used to be called: Tetragrammaton,
The Secret to Evoking Angelic Powers and the Key to the Apocalypse.
Magick: Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts. by Donald
Michael Kraig The best hands-on manual of Kabbalah!
Order of the DivineMother:
for the 1st Degree The Hebrew Goddess by
Raphael Patai The Jewish religion, far from being pure monotheistic,
contained from earliest times strong polytheistic elements, chief
of which was the cult of the mother goddess. Lucidly written
and richly illustrated, this third edition contains new chapters
on the Shekhina.
for the 2nd Degree The Feminine Face of Christianity
by Margaret Starbird. Starbird notes the early
pattern of gender equality in the early Christian community, noting
the "sister-wives" who accompanied male disciples on their missionary
journeys, forging a new understanding of the "sacred marriage" at
the heart of the Christian Gospels. She points out that fundamental
Christian values such as compassion, reconciliation, and the healing
of crippled bodies and broken hearts are all strongly feminine in
Circle of Mysteries: The Women's
Rosary Book, by Christin Lore Weber. Amber Satterwhite, also
known as Oiled Lamp and one of our Initiates, comments: The single
most important book I have ever read on the Rosary. Combines traditional
Catholic prayer with a Goddess meditation that will blow your mind
and enliven your soul.
New American Bible,
Fireside Edition
Optional; though you will need a Bible of some sort, the translation
is optional and was suggested just because it's the one the instructors
use most often.
Isis Magic: Cultivating a Relationship
with the Goddess of 10,000 Names by M. Isidora Forrest
Isis Magic is complete, well researched, and deeply
experiential. It is the perfect resource for the individual
seeker, to inspire your circle or coven, or as a program of personal
development for those called by Isis to be Her Priestesses and Priests.
Initiate Stephen Andrew of our
Order of the Divine Mother suggests the following wonderful books,
the first two of which are used in our advanced lessons:
The Most Holy TrinoSophia and the New
Revelation of the Divine Feminine by Robert A. Powell, which
makes the case that just as there is a "male" trinity, there is
also a female, the "Mother-Daughter-Holy Soul." The author uses
the Star of David, a la Margaret Starbird, to illustrate the inter-connectedness
of these male and female triads.
Sophia-Maria: A Holistic Vision
of Creation by Thomas Schipflinger, which asserts that
the Virgin Mary was the physical manifestation of Sophia just as
Yeshua was the manifestation of the Logos. This book does a superb
job of exegeting the Hebrew Wisdom literature and of linking it
with Mary as she is depicted in the Gospels, Acts and some of the
Gnostic sources.
The Sophia Teachings AUDIO CASSETTE,
by Robert A. Powell Summary of his book above, plus
a few extras.
Alone of All Her Sex: Myth & Cult
of Virgin Mary by Marina Warner Stephen Andrew
writes: For those interested in a historical survey of the Marian
cult, the Black Madonnas, and (to a certain extent) the Magdala's
role in the Church, there is no better book than this one.
Third Millennium Angelic
Angels A to Z by James R. Lewis and Evelyn
Dorothy Oliver. This book is excellent, one
of Dr. Katia's personal favorites. Has information in here
on everything from Melchizedek to fallen angels, to facts about
the archangels you never knew. Painstakingly researched, references
given for every entry, even the ancient manuscripts from which much
of the information is taken. I love this book. It went
out of print for awhile and t'was awful. Now it's back and
you can even get used copies for only $6.50 says Amazon.
Angels A
to Z : A Who's Who of the Heavenly Host by Matthew Bunson. This
is a good one, too.
Suggested Music for Angelic Alliance, Templars, Daughters of
Tsion, and all other Spiritual Warriors
Moment of Glory, the Scorpions
and the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. Cosmic, Monumental
and Hauntingly Spiritual. You will "hear" the mighty angelic
hosts clashing swords with the demon armies, hear the prayer-song
of angels and men together in one of the songs titled, "Send me
an Angel." Close your eyes while listening and visions will come.
Happens to me everytime.
Garden of Pomegranates: Skrying on the Tree of Life, by Israel
Regardie, et al (the Ciceros) Published in 1999. Reads like
a "fun" book, not a study book. Lively and hands-on, you don't need
to be a student to want this book.
A Kabbalah for the Modern World
by Migene Gonzalez-Wippler
Lords of Light. by Deepak
Chopra. A thrilling novel that actually teaches Kabbalah and spiritual
The Mystical Qabalah by Dion
God is a Verb: Kabbalah & the
Practice of Mystical Judaism. by Rabbi David Cooper
Basic Sigil Magic, by Phillip
Candle Magic : A Coveted Collection
of Spells, Rituals, and Magical Paradigms, by Phillip Cooper
Eternal Order of the Magi
 Earth, Air,
Fire & Water, More Techniques of Natural Magic, by
Scott Cunningham. Some call this folk magic, others wicca, but
we use it as our natural magic textbook. You'll
need it after the postulant phase, for the Signs degree (first
degree), so order it before your first Magi initiation. |
Garden of Pomegranates: Skrying on the Tree of Life, by
Israel Regardie, et al (the Ciceros) Published in 1999.
Reads like a "fun" book, not a study book. Lively and hands-on,
you don't need to be a student to want this book. |
Write Your Own Magic: The Hidden
Power in Your Words, by Richard Webster. "There is enormous
power in words..." There will soon be lessons written for
this book, and you will need it in the First Degree.
 Making Magick, What it is and How
it Works; by Edain McCoy
Basic Magick: A Practical
Guide by Phillip Cooper. This is an excellent book for
beginners and advanced initiates, especially good for skeptics and
intellectuals! Covers modern non-lodge ceremonial magick,
by a British author (He's a friend of D.M. Kraig, an author below)
Modern Magick: Eleven Lessons in
the High Magickal Arts. by Donald Michael Kraig
Simply THE best hands-on manual of Kabbalah and Magick!
This book is required for the 2nd Degree.
Kabbalistic Astrology: The
Sacred Tradition of the Hebrew Sages by Rabbi Joel Dobin. Modern
writer. Very scholarly, but lots of excellent information.
22 pages are displayed on line at Amazon, click on the purple
cube to see.
Magical Tattwa Cards : A Complete
System for Self-Development: Combining Elemental Powers &
Flashing Colors for Divination, Scrying & Meditation, by Dr.
Jonn Mumford. Complete Book and Card Set
Chi Gung: Chinese Healing, Energy
and Natural Magick, by L. V. Carnie
Basic Sigil Magic, by Phillip
Candle Magic : A Coveted Collection
of Spells, Rituals, and Magical Paradigms, by Phillip Cooper
Tarot Course
Tarot in Ten Minutes. by
R. T. Kaser
Tarot Deck of your choice,
to search dozens of decks, click the red cube. The tarot
deck was used as a secret coded "catechism" or teaching device by
the underground Grail Heresy "Church" during the Middle Ages when
the Roman Catholic Church would kill any alternative believers.
The tarot is full of heretical and Grail symbolism which can
best be seen in the oldest decks. We recommend the Rider Waite
also called the Waite deck because it is the oldest complete deck
available. It comes in original, giant and miniature versions, all with the same symbols.
For the best esoteric symbolism restored to Waite's original intentions,
get the Albano Waite deck. I use it the most.
For divination purposes you may get any deck whose art appeals to
you, as long as it has the traditional 78 cards. Rider Waite
can be used for divination, too, of course, but sometimes people
with an artistic bent feel drawn to one of the more modern decks
done by professional artists. I like the Art Nouveau deck
and Arthurian Tarot deck for instance. If you have any questions,
or need help deciding, just ask. If you're really paranoid
about learning the meanings of the cards, get the Starter Tarot--it
has the meanings printed right on the cards. They are a bit old
fashioned, but you can usually figure them out.
Meditations on the Tarot: A Journey Into
Christian Hermeticism, by Anonymous, translated by Robert Powell.
A Tarot classic, a must read.
Tarot Journeys: Adventures
in Self-Transformation by Yasmine Galenorn Tarot
Journeys take you into the realm of self-knowledge and enlightenment
with 22 beautiful guided meditations, one for each of the major
The Tarot Trumps and The Holy Grail
by Margaret Starbird Academic and writer, Margaret
Starbird, has spent years researching the stories of the Holy Grail.
The tarot was a teaching tool used by the Grail Christian heretics
of the Middle Ages.
Tarot as a Way of Life: A Jungian Approach
to the Tarot by Karen Hamaker-Zondag This book shows you how
to use the cards to guide your life. You can do a life reading,
or an annual reading. You can work with the symbols to solve a problem,
or for long-range insights into where you are going with your life.
The author includes working with dreams, visualization, the I Ching,
color and number combination, mythology, and all kinds of traditional
symbolism, to make it easy to use.
Tarot and the Tree of Life: Everyday Wisdom
in the Minor Arcana by Isabel Radow Kliegman Few books look
in depth at the fifty-two Minor Arcana or suit cards of the Tarot
deck. In refreshingly down-to-earth terms and with joyous common-sense
wisdom, celebrated Tarot teacher Isabel Kliegman teaches us to use
these "overlooked mirrors" of everyday life to access our inner
knowing and learn more about ourselves.
Psychology Elective
the Heroes Within: Twelve Archetypes to Help us Find Ourselves
& Transform Our World, by Carol Pearson
If you're in a book-happy mood or just want to see
more books on the Christian Goddess, Esoteric Christianity, and
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